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Weekend Wrap

Wellbeing, disc golf, cats and a lickalyser

Recent times have seen great things happening also in speakers, hoodies and, um… heavy metal knitting. Click on any photo to take a detailed look at recent creativity from Finland.

Spinnova and adidas are taking their first steps together with a mid-layer hiking hoodie made using Spinnova’s wood-based fibre. Innovation in Textiles covered the great news for sustainability. (Photo: adidas)

Summer in Finland is short, but oh so sweet. Get some local tips on how best to enjoy the seemingly endless daylight from Matador Network’s article. (Photo: Mikko Kiviniemi / Visit Finland)

A round of applause for Max Ovaska’s BA student film, Carrier, which recently screened at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in Czechia. Cineuropa spoke with the Finnish director about smuggling, ferries and being pregnant with ideas. (Photo: SES)

Heavy metal knitting was back in Joensuu this summer, raising an eyebrow or two along with the obligatory devil’s horns. Loudwire struggled to keep a straight face in between the head banging. (Photo: Irma Lehikoinen)

Mercedes-Benz sports cars are set to roll off the production line on Finland's west coast after an agreement with Valmet Automative. YLE News has the low-down that’ll get engines revving. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz)

Royal Canin and RePack teaming up for deliveries spells bad news for cats, but good news for the environment. RePack shared the "pawful" news on LinkedIn. (Photo: Pexels)

Finnish beer brand Karhu is helping festivalgoers to keep tabs on their blood alcohol level. Ads of Brands gives the so-called lickalyser the once over. (Photo: Karhu)

Thanks to the likes of James Corden, Hintsa Performance pocketed 5.1 million euros to put wellbeing training into the palm of more hands. Tech.eu took a look at its smartphone-ready sustainable behavioural change-maker. (Photo: Hintsa Performance)

Genelec continues to speak for top quality high-fidelity audio. Technische Hochschule Lübeck is just one customer making positive noise about the company. (Photo: Genelec)

Finland’s obsession with disc golf reached new heights with the staging of the Disc Golf European Open here. YLE News paid the town of Nokia a visit to see what the fuss is about. (Photo: Eino Ansio)