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About us

Good News from Finland is a service that covers positive and globally interesting news topics related to Finnish businesses and innovations.

We publish articles daily in English and Russian, and additional content twice per week in Chinese. Our website is visited by more than 60 000 readers each month, mainly located abroad. The largest share of our international audience can be found in the US, China, Ukraine, Russia, the UK, India, France, Germany, Sweden and Canada.

Good News from Finland is a part of Business Finland, a government-funded organisation bringing growth to Finland. The website maintains an independent journalistic style and decision-making process.

All opinions expressed in our weekly opinion columns are those of the author and do not reflect the viewpoint of Business Finland.

Editorial staff

Julia Helminen, editor-in-chief (interim)

Tsui-Shan Tu, subeditor

James O’Sullivan, editor-in-chief (on study leave)


Tuulia Juntura, Zhanna Koiviola, Samuli Ojala, Kirill Reznik, Aleksi Teivainen, Jonathan Öller, Yin Zi.

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Good News from Finland’s Privacy Policy can be found here.

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